Creating New Content

Created by josh
July 25, 2020 7:37:48 AM PDT

As a user with Add Content privileges, content publishers can produce a basic page or set up a blog system. To create a new page, go to Content Management (/admin/content/) and select the content body type from the Add Content dropdown (e.g. Basic Page).

While each content body type shares an identical Page Attributes portion of the form, the fields below will vary depending on the content body type chosen. Another key difference is the range of allowed parent types.

Content body types:

- Basic pages can be located at the top level of the site and be children of other basic pages.

- Blog landing pages represent the top-most level of a blog. These too can be located at the top level of the site and be children of basic pages. By default, they contain an optional rich text heading, a list of all blog articles that have been published in every category, and display each of the categories on the right side of the page.

- Blog category pages represent the second level of the blog family. They can only be children of blog landing pages, and parents of blog articles. By default, they also contain an optional rich text heading, but a refined list of blog articles published for that category. All blog categories are also shown on the right side of the page, however, the current category is emphasized with bold/italicized font styling.

- Blog Article pages are the bottom level of the blog family where blog content is published. They can only be children of blog categories. A blog article has the most fields of any content type, providing an option for an image. It also displays the author's name (linked to their user page), a subtitle, published date, revised date (if applicable), and the rich text article itself.

In a future release of Gaseous, content body types will be customizable, featuring the ability to create new content types and modify existing ones. Customizations will include template modification, URI scheme modification, creating/associating fields (preset or custom), and defining the allowed parent type.