Page Attributes

Created by josh
July 25, 2020 8:11:41 AM PDT (Revised July 25, 2020 9:48:26 AM PDT )

When creating a new page, there are various page attributes that must be set.

- Page Title (H1): This is the title of the page that is displayed just above the breadcrumbs. It is rendered within an H1 tag, the largest heading HTML tag. The H1 tag plays an important role in site indexing when search bots cultivate the pages on your site.

- Page Title (Title tag/SEO): This field populates the webpage's title tag. These should be a lengthy and more specific version of the H1 title tag. This too has a high impact on search results.

- Meta Description: This field, with a 160 character limit enforced by search engines, is a placeholder for a specific summary of your page. Even more impactful than the page titles, this has a very high impact on search indexing. It should be descriptive, contain keywords relevant to the page's content and remain under 160 characters.

- Page Status: This field provides two options - Active or Inactive. If inactive, the page is unpublished. Attempts to visit it results as a 404 page not found.

- Meta Robots: This field provides instructions to bots on whether or not the page should be indexed by search engines. If turned off, search bots will (or at least - should!) skip indexing the page, even if it is publicly available.

- Include in sitemap?: The site has an XML sitemap that follows the official guidelines. If the page is included, it will be listed as a page within the XML output, offering it to search engines alongside other web pages on the site.

- Minify HTML output?: Typically, search engines prefer that a web page's HTML is produced as efficiently as possible. One way that is achieved is by minifying the HTML, which removes extra spacing, errant tags/commented output, and reduces the HTML output to the minimum amount of characters without affecting the page's content. In some cases, like when you include code snippets or other complicated HTML output in a webpage, minifying the HTML can corrupt the output of the page's content. In rare cases like this, the content publisher can skip minifying HTML output.

- Public Page: By choosing the public page option, there are no access restrictions to the content once the page has been published (assuming the status is set to Active, of course). Otherwise, page access can be restricted to specific roles of logged in users.

- Parent Content: This determines the hierarchal level of the webpage within the site. For example, the homepage does not have a parent page - it is the top level. Other top level pages may include an "About Us" page that exists at the URI /about-us/. A page that may represent a child of that page (and therefore use the About Us page as the parent), could be a privacy policy page at /about-us/privacy-policy/. Setting the parent page is part of the process of building the URI of the page. For example, the formula for the URI structure of a basic page is a lowercased and slightly transformed version of the Page Title (H1), leading with the URI of the parent page.